Is Any Body Safe?

Insuring medical devices against cyberattacks

The Evolution of Innovation

The future of claims industry technology

First Notice of Resolution

The search for a more proactive, customer-friendly claims process

Secrets to Successful Mediations

See why more than 300 professionals registered to learn how to maximize settlement opportunities.

Getting Answers on Questionable Claims

An employer’s guide for minimizing workers compensation abuse

Speaking to the Next Generation

Millennials and Gen Z can fill the claims talent gap, but insurers have to speak their language

The “He Said, She Said” Dilemma

Determining who’s right in a passenger-commercial vehicle accident

A Richness Defined

Arrowpoint Capital’s Julie Fortune receives CLM Lifetime Achievement Award

“What are you looking forward to most at this year’s CLM Annual Conference?”

CLM members and fellows tell us what they anticipate most about CLM's biggest annual event.

Fighting for Safety

How to stop workplace violence in its tracks

Annual Conference Fever

The saying “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb” must refer to Annual Conference time.

CLM National: March 2019

News and verdicts that affect you from across the country

CLM Voices: Getting to Know Dan Berman

Going from a start-up firm with seven lawyers to 24 offices and over 270 lawyers requires a clear focus and vision.

The Blame Game: #MeToo Edition

Predicting verdicts in sexual harassment claims

Daily Claims News
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