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Actively practicing in Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska, Robert Lapidow approaches law with a proactive and effective mindset, which is how he has established himself as a trusted litigator for over 20 years. His experience in a variety of cases has helped him acquire the tools and knowledge to handle complex matters in a skilled manner. He’s specifically talented at assessing liability and damages claims at the early stages of a case, resulting in a rapid solution. Robert takes pride in deposing facts and expert witnesses, specifically doctors. His position as a partner and litigator is not only rewarding because he plays a role in helping clients seek justice, but also interesting because every day he is learning, which makes the practice varied, fresh and exciting. Robert has been with Overturf, McGath & Hull, P.C. since 2005. Prior to that he worked at a proimint insurance defense firm in New York City, and prosecuted child abuse and neglect cases for the New York City Administration for Children's Services. Robert earned his CLMP in 2019.
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