Sean Scranton

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Member of CLM Since: 2017

CLM Committees

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CLM Contributions

  • Speaker - 2017 CLM Management and Professional Liability Conference
  • Speaker - 2018 Annual Conference
  • Speaker - 2018 Claims College
  • Speaker - 2019 Claims College
  • Speaker - 2020 Claims College
  • Speaker - 2021 Claims College
  • Speaker - 2022 Claims College
  • Speaker - 2023 Claims College


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Practice Areas

  • Cyber Liability
  • Employment Liability/Litigation
  • Professional Liability
  • Social Media/Technology (Data Security/Privacy)


Cyber Risk Consultant – FINEX Cyber Risk Solutions
Relevant Experience/Specialization
Sean Scranton is based in central Illinois and has been involved in information security for more than 25 years.  He has lead teams in internal security, IT consulting and audit, and cyber underwriting.  He specializes in identifying, quantifying and mitigating key organizational cyber risks and then developing consensus based, cost effective solutions that align with the organization’s overall business goals. He emphasizes a cross functional approach, involving key stakeholders and business units across the organization, to ensure that a comprehensive, organization wide strategy is developed to manage the people, technical and financial risks impacting an organization’s cyber resilience.

Education and Credentials
Sean graduated from Bradley University with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, and a Master of Business Administration. He holds security, audit, and insurance underwriting certifications, speaks regularly at cybersecurity industry and academic events, and serves on the board of a major credit union.


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