NICB's Joe Wehrle Talks About Fraud Trends

State budgets are tightening, and fraudsters are still plying their trade. Insurers will have to take on more responsibility to root out schemes.

PIP My Ride

PIP fraud in Florida is creating red-flag districts across the state, but reform efforts in the state legislature haven’t seen much action.

The European Onion

As you peel back the layers of the Environmental Liability Directive in Europe, you might just want to cry.

Head Games

Temperament and personality type play heavily into how claims questions are asked and answered.

Can You Keep A Secret?

Even in today’s world of social media, your fraud investigation can violate privacy. Use caution.

Backstopping Terrorism Coverage

The feds will help with big terrorism claims, but restrictions have expanded and the future is far from certain.

Rock The House

Damage to foundations can occur due to a variety of causes. How can you determine the culprit?

Banking on Case Reserves

Habitual under-reserving might result from individual deficiencies, but it could be systemic. Check each claim and your overall methodology.

Desktop Monitor

Using new software and data, investigators can prevent and solve PIP insurance fraud right from their workstations.

Drip, Drip, Drip

A look at the inside of a cabinet can reveal whether water damage resulted from a one-time event or a chronic leak.

Chief Concerns: Claims Executive Focus

Scott McAlindin, senior vice president of Claims for MAPFRE USA

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