Claims College
NEW -  Reverse Mentoring Workshop Hosted by RISE® 

Wednesday, September 4
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM

Reverse mentoring flips the script on the traditional mentoring dynamic by illustrating that fresh perspectives can flow in both directions, regardless of age or tenure. New for 2024, we are offering this unique session in partnership with our friends at RISE Professionals.

Seasoned professionals will become mentees, gaining new insights from industry newcomers and early-career mentors will benefit from the wisdom and knowledge of their mentees. This dynamic exchange will foster innovation, bridge generational gaps, and explore topics from technology adoption and leadership. An enriching experience for everyone!


Mentors: early-career professional with less than 10 years of industry experience

Mentees: seasoned pros with over 10 years of industry experience

Key discussion points that are possible during this 60-minute workshop include:

  •  Technology Adoption: Mentors may guide mentees in adopting new technologies, like cloud computing or data analytics, which can improve operational efficiency and competitiveness.
  •  Innovation: A less tenured product designer might mentor a more experienced manager, introducing them to innovative design trends and customer preferences.
  •  Cultural Awareness: A less tenured employee from a diverse background might mentor a more experienced colleague on their perspective of cultural sensitivity and global perspectives, helping the company expand its reach.
  •  Leadership Development: A less experienced manager can mentor a senior leader on modern leadership styles, adaptability, and employee engagement strategies.

This optional workshop is included in your registration fee and takes place prior to the start of Claims College on Wednesday, September 4 from 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM. See you there!

Thank you to our partner for bringing this event to Claims College.