Register Fellow ­


Welcome to CLM! Just answer a few questions to activate your free membership. Please allow one business day for us to set up your profile and provide full access to your new benefits.

If you are a claims professional, litigation manager, adjuster, risk manager, or corporate/staff counsel working for a carrier or corporation, please register using the form below. If this does not sound like you, please register using the membership type that best aligns with your role.

Already a CLM member (thank you) and forgot your password? click here.

If you were previously a member or think you may have an existing profile, please contact

Tell us about you

A business email address is required for employment verification purposes.

Staff Counsel

Tell us about your company

Areas Of Expertise

Fellowship includes free subscriptions to CLM Magazine and Construction Claims magazine. If you would like to receive either or both of these publications, please indicate your preference for the print/mail, digital/email format, or both below.

How did you hear about the CLM? *

Claims Pages
Webinar registration
Internet search (Google, Bing, etc.)
Other (please specify)

* required field