CLM Tracker ­

Track and Renew Adjuster Licenses
Quickly and Easily With CLM Tracker

Tracking and renewing adjuster licenses doesn’t have to be an administrative nightmare and time burden. With CLM Tracker, individuals and companies can easily track and renew all adjuster licenses. No more complicated spreadsheets and manual tracking.

CLM Tracker Benefits:

  • Avoid having adjusters with expired licenses or non-compliance with state requirements, which can put your company at risk and lead to huge financial losses.
  • Centralize adjuster license and education data in a system that alerts you to upcoming license expiration dates and continuing education compliance.
  • CE information from attendance at all continuing education events is provided by each state and automatically entered into CLM Tracker.
  • CLM Tracker is available to both organizations and individuals. The organizational version provides administrative access so supervisors can track information for their staff.
  • Easily know which adjuster is licensed in which state so you never assign a case to an unlicensed adjuster.


CLM Tracker can be customized to meet your organizational needs. You can track CE and renew licenses via Tracker or simply track CE credits.

  •   Company Version (Track CE and License Renewals) Company Version (Track CE Only) Individual Version
  • Set-up Fee $500 – $1,000 $500 – $1,000 $10
  • Secure Adjuster License Information Included Included Included
  • Tracker Adjuster CE $12/person annually $15/person annually $20 annually
  • Renew Licenses $10/license Not included, but individuals may renew at $15/license $15/license
  • Initial license application $50/license $55/license $60/license
  • Reciprocal license application $10/license $15/license $20/license

Get started with CLM Tracker.

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