Claims College ­

Level 1 (Virtual Event)


Other Levels


The School of Transportation provides graduates with superior knowledge of the intricacies, unique nature and complex challenges associated with the handling of claims and lawsuits involving the commercial truck transportation industry. Industry and attorney participants will develop a strong capacity to work together towards the successful resolution of transportation cases notwithstanding the degree of complexity or severity. Upon completion of all three levels, practitioners will be highly skilled in the most critical areas of transportation claims management, including exposure recognition, loss response, depth of investigation, technology, vehicle and motor carrier operations, driver conduct analysis, liability assessment and damages evaluation. Level 1 is designed to provide professionals with an understanding of the fundamentals of effective transportation loss management through a case-study approach. Courses will review the initial loss response, technology associated with trucks and trucking, methodology for determining liability on a trucking claim and lawsuit management. Level 2 will provide an overview of the components of a tractor/trailer and review what transpires during a pre-trip inspection, a discussion of advanced medical analysis techniques for high severity and complex injury cases, the key components of an IME and a comprehensive review of accident reconstruction. In Level 3, students will learn things such as advanced strategies for effective disposition of trucking claims and the plaintiff's use of "reptile" theory as well as how to manage and address spoliation issues.

Upon successful completion of all three levels of the School, graduates will earn the Certified Claims Professional (CCP) in Transportation designation.


Executive Council