Claims College


This school provides education, training and recognition for claims professionals involved in the mediation process. The program covers the role of the claims professional in mediation, and how to prepare for mediation versus litigation, as well as several other concepts including how to determine if a claim is a good candidate for early resolution, how to select the best mediator for the case and how to handle an impasse.  Courses in this School also address the psychological and behavioral issues impacting mediation, ethical considerations for a claims professional while in mediation and post-mediation concerns for the claims professional.
The School of Claims Mediation is a one-level program. Upon successful completion of this program, graduates will earn a Certificate in Claims Mediation. The School is required in order to earn the Advanced Claims Professional (ACP) designation.


Joseph Mak  AVP, Manager, P & C Claims, RiverStone Resources LLC

Michele Newman  Litigation Manager, Hamlin & Burton Liability Management, Inc.

Executive Council

Joe Hassinger  Mediator-Arbitrator, MAPS

Zohar Lushe  Senior Claims Counsel, Chubb

Jim Saunders  Regional Claims Manager, Lancer Insurance Company

Jeff Trueman  Mediator Arbitrator, Jeff Trueman, Esq., Mediator




  • Colodny 7.28.21
  • Paragon 6.16.21




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  • Insure 3.23.21
  • Themis 6.17.21