Spotlight: Transportation (Atlanta) - Schedule ­



June 22, 2023 8:00 AM ET

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Session 1 - Georgia Decisions and Legislation Impacting Claims in the Transportation Industry

  • Speakers:
  • Ryan Dixon, Copeland, Stair, Valz & Lovell, LLP

June 22, 2023 8:45 AM ET

Understanding recent case law and statutory framework for claims in Georgia can give you an edge when defending and evaluating claims. It can also help you manage expectations and possible exposure. There have been numerous cases and legislative updates in Georgia that potentially expands liability and possible exposure to transportation companies and insurers. For example, the Georgia Supreme Court recently overturned more than 50 years of precedent regarding vicarious liability of employers and motor carriers. The Court also opened the doors for plaintiffs to possibly have a double recovery of attorney’s fees in litigation. In this session, we will discuss these recent cases and others impacting transportation claims and litigation, which will help in your evaluation and defense of transportation claims.

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June 22, 2023 9:45 AM ET

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Session 2 - After the Accident: Emergency Response

June 22, 2023 10:15 AM ET

Your commercial motor vehicle has been an accident. You get the call. Now what? How you respond immediately after an accident occurs can greatly impact the outcome of a claim or lawsuit. For example, allowing the vehicle’s engine to be cycled or the vehicle to be driven away from the scene could destroy invaluable electric data about the speed, direction, or braking of the vehicle just before and during the accident. It is important to know what resources are available, what actions to take, and when they are warranted. In this session, we will cover the entire accident response process and get insights from a variety of industry professionals about key steps and considerations.

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Session 3 - Accident Reconstruction: An Interactive Workshop – Understanding and Analyzing the Data

June 22, 2023 11:15 AM ET

Buckle up for an insider view of the vehicle accident reconstruction process. Experts will outline both what data is important to determining viable defenses to a liability claim and how to secure that data. A full exploration of how to use the reconstruction data in claims evaluation will take place as well. You'll walk out of this session with a better understanding of what to look for when selecting key experts to defend future claims.

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June 22, 2023 12:15 PM ET

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Session 4 - Legal and Practical Conflicts of Interest in Transportation Cases

June 22, 2023 1:15 PM ET

Take a big picture look at potential ethical issues in this session where panelists will analyze legal and practical conflicts of interest that can arise in trucking litigation and how they significantly impact the defense of cases for insurers, trucking companies, TPAs, and defense attorneys. This interactive session will cover issues that may arise in several unique situations, including:
  • During an emergency response
  • Where there are conflicting maintenance issues
  • With issues related to traffic court representation
  • When a time-limited policy limit implies demands to insurers
  • Those occurring if the drive was or wa not on a "frolic"
  • Potential conflicts where the plaintiff sues both the broker as well as the motor carrier

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June 22, 2023 2:10 PM ET

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Session 5 - Prepping the Witness in Transportation Cases

June 22, 2023 2:40 PM ET

Dive right in to learn about the importance of preparing witnesses for Reptile Theory attacks in deposition – especially in trucking and transportation cases. The Reptile Theory is a pernicious plaintiffs’ tactic helping stir up juror anger in the hope of securing a Nuclear Verdict®. What happens in deposition will have an impact on trial, and claims professionals and their counsel should be prepared for the onslaught of unsavory tactics plaintiffs’ counsel will use there, and how that may impact the trial moving forward. Fortunately, preparing the witness can significantly improve trial outcomes and reduce the efficacy of plaintiffs’ Reptile traps.

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Session 6 - After the Crash: Spoliation Proofing Digital Evidence 

June 22, 2023 3:40 PM ET

The role that distraction plays in a vehicle crash is a complex issue that requires experts with specialized knowledge and expertise in the areas of human factors and digital evidence. Digital evidence is volatile and fragile, so it's essential to preserve data as soon as possible after a motor vehicle accident. With so many claims based upon alleged driver distraction from mobile phones and other electronic devices, failure to collect this evidence correctly and quickly can lead to accusations of spoliation. This session will explain how a company can best prepare for the worst-case scenario, including educating drivers on what to do after an accident, creating a risk manager's speed dial list for rapid response, and implementing protocols for drivers and first responders to handle the digital evidence properly. Learn more about human factors investigations of distracted driving crashes and how combining these disciplines allows for a digital forensics expert to determine details about driver distraction. 

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Cocktail Reception

June 22, 2023 4:40 PM ET

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