Construction Defect from the Ground Up - Part 1
September 05, 2025 8:30 AM ETThe course will provide a general overview of how a typical building is built, including sequencing, organization and overlapping of trades. The course will define a list of commonly alleged construction defects, explanations of how these defects occur in the field, who is responsible and how they can be prevented and/or remedied.
Back to topConstruction Defect from the Ground Up - Part 2
September 05, 2025 10:30 AM ETThe course will provide a general overview of how a typical building is built, including sequencing, organization and overlapping of trades. The course will define a list of commonly alleged construction defects, explanations of how these defects occur in the field, who is responsible and how they can be prevented and/or remedied.
Back to topConstruction Contracts for Claims Professionals
September 05, 2025 1:00 PM ETThis course will provide a general overview of the structure and elements of construction contracts and introduce students to common provisions and their impact upon construction project and the various parties. The course will cover the different forms and types of Owner/Contractor contractual relationships and the benefits and drawbacks of each; we will also review how changes to the project are handled contractually. We will further discuss in detail contract terms critical to risk transfer, specifically those addressing damages, insurance, indemnification, and dispute resolution.
Back to topSurvey of "Other" Insurance Forms
September 05, 2025 3:00 PM ETThis Course will focus on providing each claims adjuster and attorney with the tools required to handle, adjust, resolve or decide to try complex construction defect suits. The Course will specifically address such important topics as homeowner causes of action, indemnity, mediation and discovery.
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