2017 CLM and Business Insurance Construction Conference - Professors ­

Speaker Bios

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Matt AdlerAXA XL
Cynthia Arce Liberty Mutual
Kristina AshcraftMC Consultants, Inc.
Virginia BaloghNationwide Insurance Company
Tara BarlinAIG
Steve BaumanAXA XL
Brandon BeaneCoastal Construction Services Group
Larry BeemerSuite 200 Solutions
Kelly BehrensVela Insurance Services LLC
Christine BernstockAECOM
Stephen BerryBuilders Insurance Group
Marissa BeyersTrial Behavior Consulting
Michele BlaisChubb
Michael BramhallSelf Employed
Melanie BrownMunich Re Specialty Insurance
Thomas BrownNational Claim Services LLC
David BunnellAon
Stephen BuonpaneChubb
TJ CateRimkus
John CominskiSelf Employed
Ryan CoonsMoss and Associates, LLC
Aimee CosperESIS
Carolyn CrawfordNationwide Insurance Company
Patrica DavisNorth American Risk Services NARS
William DeragonOld Republic Contractors Insurance Group
Glenn DienstagAon
Bert DizonCardinal Captive Strategies
Margaret DonnellSelf Employed
Julian EhrlichAon
Susie FergusonACIG Insurance Company
Kevin FollettRiverStone Resources LLC
Mark FrankeOld Republic Contractors Insurance Group
Jennifer FranklinAmerican Family Insurance
Mike FredebeilWTW
Ken GillespieBlair & Company
Yolanda GonzalezNorth American Risk Services NARS
Angela HagertyAlign Claims Services, Inc.
Aaron HaimowitzNFP Corp.
Michael HalterMarsh
Sherrianne HanavanCatalina U.S. Insurance Services
Sandra HeidenArch Insurance Group Inc.
Julie HermanDiscovery and Seeno Homes
Henrietta HinojosaNational Claim Services LLC
Michael HinojosaNational Claim Services LLC
Lorri HoffmanAmerican Family Insurance
Guy HollingsworthThe Hanover Insurance Group
Kelly HowellIOA Insurance Services
Jeremy HuishArtex Risk Solutions, Inc.
Donna HuntIronshore Insurance Company
Cindy HunterHartford Global Specialty
Jason JudovinMunich Re Specialty Insurance
Terence KadlecMC Consultants, Inc.
Karen KeniffZurich North America
Henry KoffmanUniversity of Southern California
Thomas KramerLJB Inc.
Mark LantermanComputer Forensic Services, Inc.
Barbara Laskaris-LoriganGolden State Claims Adjusters
Vivian LindsayNavigators, A Brand of The Hartford
Steve LokusSompo International Insurance
Aaron LorentzInstalled Building Products
Donna MacConnellIMA Financial Group
John MacySelf Employed
Moira MalanyNetwork Adjusters, Inc.
Chris MandelSelf Employed
Julia ManganaroNavigators, A Brand of The Hartford
Phillip MarquezPremier Claims Management, LLC
Tyler MarshSelf Employed
Paul MasonAXA XL
Daniel MelcherFocus Forensics
Phyllis ModlinMarkel
Dennis MoreyDPR Construction
Brendan MoynihanSTO Building Group
Jeffrey R. NeidleAIG
Penni NelsonHillwood Development
Cesar PereiraJudLau - OHL USA
Linda Pretzel RobertsRiverStone Resources LLC
Matthew RabinArch Insurance Group Inc.
Anna RamanVerisk
Victoria Remolina SchwierAXA XL
Karen RiceProactive
Michael RodriguezTokio Marine HCC
Mary RoweMarkel
Joseph RussoWTW
Jamie SamaniegoAmTrust Group
Mark SavelMark H Savel Architects, Inc.
Todd SchweitzerMarsh
Abby SeymourWestfield Insurance
Caryn SiebertGallagher Bassett
Erik SikorskiBuilders Insurance Group
Dennis SilviaCedar Consulting LLC
Steve SlomanLiberty Mutual
Kevin SmithUnknown
David SmithToll Bros, Inc.
Mary Smythe-CekoSelf Employed
Don SotoGallagher Bassett
Paul StuartAlliant Insurance Services, Inc.
Matthew SummersWTW
Emma TortoriciAmTrust Financial Services
Wilson TownsendSelf Employed
Lisa Unger Self Employed
Raymond WeisseAscot Group
Sarah Wetmore ButlerUnknown
Ralph WoodardNavigators, A Brand of The Hartford
Lee WrightTokio Marine HCC
Gerald WrightSelf Employed
Irene YesowitchSelf Employed
David ZehnerZehner Trial Consulting


Samia AlbenbergRichardson Plowden & Robinson, P.A.
Denise AndersonButler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP
Rebecca AppelbaumGartner + Bloom PC
Arash ArabiBremer Whyte Brown & O'Meara, LLP
Dan BermanWood Smith Henning & Berman LLP
David BlauBlau | Keane Law Group, P.C.
Ken BloomGartner + Bloom PC
Eugene BouleWilson Elser
Mark BoyleBoyle Leonard & Anderson, PA
Keith BremerBremer Whyte Brown & O'Meara, LLP
Drew ButlerRichardson Plowden & Robinson, P.A.
Marie Cheung-TruslowLaw Offices of Marie Cheung-Truslow
Kevin ClontsRizzo Bosworth Eraut
Adrienne CohenLaw Offices of Adrienne D. Cohen
Alicia CurranCozen O’Connor
Robert H. de FlescoCole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.
Mickey deLaupDelaup Law Firm
Joe DuncanClark, May, Price, Lawley, Duncan & Paul LLC
Chad DuniganWood Smith Henning & Berman LLP
Laura ForrestHedrick Gardner Kincheloe & Garofalo, LLP
Elaine FreschHawkins Parnell & Young, LLP
Valerie GarciaHall & Evans, L.L.C.
Rima GhandourGhandour Law
Anne M. GoyetteGriffiths Goyette
Stephen GrossFowler White Burnett PA
James HaileyLewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP
Robert HancockMunsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C.
Charles HarrisLewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP
Taranae HashemiCozen O’Connor
Rex HeesemanJAMS - Heeseman
Stephen HenningWood Smith Henning & Berman LLP
James JardinCollins + Collins LLP
Alicia KennonWood Smith Henning & Berman LLP
Rinat B. Klier ErlichZelms Erlich & Mack
Terrence LavySchmucker & Lavy Legal, PLLC
David LeeLee Law Firm
Jack LevyGLB, PC
Daniel LounsberyKahana Feld, LLP
Thomas MannionLewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP
Mike MelendezKennedys
Patrick MendesTyson & Mendes LLP
Kevin MichaelCozen O’Connor
Janice MichaelsWood Smith Henning & Berman LLP
Michael MontgomeryButler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP
J. Kevin MooreBold, Polisner, Maddow, Nelson & Judson
William NebekerKoeller, Nebeker, Carlson & Haluck, LLP
Charles NumbersMeredith, Weinstein & Numbers
Laura PatonGordon Rees Scully Mansukhani
Jayne PittmanConroy Simberg
Stuart C. PoagePennington P.A.
Maria QuinteroHinshaw & Culbertson LLP
Brenda RadmacherAkerman LLP
Jannea RogersAdams and Reese, LLP
Brian SandersKoeller, Nebeker, Carlson & Haluck, LLP
Jay SeverPhelps Dunbar
Mark ShiftonGfeller Laurie LLP
Marc ShortinoGartner + Bloom PC
Keith SmithWood Smith Henning & Berman LLP
Brian StewartCollins + Collins LLP
Gary StrongGfeller Laurie LLP
Cynthia TarleTarle Law
Wendy TestaWilson Elser
George TruittCole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.
Wakako UritaniLorber, Greenfield & Olsen, LLP
Darrell WhiteleyLewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP
Robert WitmeyerMayer LLP
Geoff WoodEricksen Arbuthnot