2019 CLM Workers Compensation Conference - Hotel Accomodation ­

Hotel Accommodations

The Westin Chicago River North

We are pleased to offer a CLM Group rate of $246 at the Westin Chicago River North.  Room reservations must be completed on the CLM website during the registration process.  The hotel will not make your reservation.

320 N Dearborn Street

Phone : 888-627-8359

The Westin Chicago River North

Airline Discounts and Reservations

Airfare discounts from 2% to 10% for our conference participants are available through Delta. Discounts are valid up to 3 days before and after the conference dates. Book your flight by contacting:

Delta Airlines

Please click here to book your flights on Delta!
You may also call Delta Meeting Network® at 1.800.328.1111* Monday–Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. (CT) and refer to Meeting Event Code click here

*Please note there is not a service fee for reservations booked and ticketed via our reservation 800 number.