2018 CLM and Business Insurance Retail, Restaurant and Hospitality Conference - Hotel Accomodation ­

Hotel Accommodations

Renaissance Dallas Hotel

We are pleased to offer a $205 rate at the Renaissance Dallas Hotel.  Room reservations must be completed through the CLM website during the registration process. The hotel will not make your reservation.

2222 North Stemmons Freeway

Phone : 214-631-2222

Renaissance Dallas Hotel
Renaissance Dallas Hotel

Airline Discounts and Reservations

Airfare discounts from 2% to 10% for our conference participants are available through Delta. Discounts are valid up to 3 days before and after the conference dates. Book your flight by contacting:

Delta Airlines

Please click here to book your flights on Delta!
You may also call Delta Meeting Network® at 1.800.328.1111* Monday–Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. (CT) and refer to Meeting Event Code click here

*Please note there is not a service fee for reservations booked and ticketed via our reservation 800 number.