
The CLM's two-day Retail, Restaurant and Hospitality Conference is the premier event for those who manage risk, claims and litigation in these industries. Professionals from around the country will come together to learn from industry leaders as they discuss trends, strategies and managing risks. Sessions include:

Emerging Issues in Litigation and Coverage for Liquor Liability Video Surveillance: Treasure or Trap? GL and Workers' Compensation Issues Unique to Hotel Industry Spoliation and Retail Post-Incident Investigations Practical and Strategic Use of Social Media Bed Bugs Risk and Litigation Strategies Legionellosis Evolving Expectations Security Plans at Entertainment and Marketing Events How to be Secure in an Unsecure World

All sessions are interactive, allowing for a dynamic interaction among presenters and attendees. The conference also includes networking opportunities to forge new relationships and catch up with old friends

  • Thursday, February 5, 2015, 2 pm to
    Friday, February 6, 2015, 1 pm

  • Double Tree by Hilton Orlando Downtown
    60 South Ivanhoe Blvd
    Orlando, FL 32804

  • Fellows - $99.00
    Members - $199.00

