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Feeling overwhelmed by chatter about AI, the dark web, active shooter situations, and catastrophic losses?  Wondering how it impacts or influences the claims you handle? We’re bringing the answers to you in the Hartford area with a special appearance by the Connecticut Deputy Attorney General and the section chief of the FBI’s Cyber Division, among other panelists with key expertise in both claims management, litigation management, and insurance defense. These trending topics will be explored during focused sessions with plenty of time for questions.

Tackle these cutting-edge topics and earn 6 credits of CE/CLE during this one-day educational event, complete with plenty of networking.

  • Wednesday, November 8, 2023

  • Connecticut Convention Center
    100 Columbus Blvd.
    Hartford, CT 06103
    (860) 249-6000

  • Fellows $29
    Members $79
    Sponsors; Contact for pricing: sponsorships@theclm.org



  • WE3.1.22


  •  Charlee AI 8-17-22
  • js 6.1.21
  • ZeroFox 7.25.23