

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Has the Price of Poker Gone Up? Alarming Trends in Dispute Resolution

What's inflating the demands made in dispute resolution?Our panel will discuss the current trends in dispute resolution and will break down their impressions of what is causing plaintiffs and even mediators to believe that injuries and/or damages once seen as nominal or routine have now become just the opposite. We will explore factors such as lawyer advertising, medical treatment, potential fraud, and their potential resolutions to this alarming trend. This session will assist attendees in understanding how to navigate negotiations.
Dipping Into the Secret Sauce: Developing Mediation Strategies That Hit the Right Notes

Using the results of a qualitative research study that examined mediation dynamics in litigated disputes, this family-style session will offer both claims professionals and counsel the recipe for developing a deeper understanding of mediation dynamics. Those attending can expect immediate results from the practical lessons offered, especially when it comes to anticipating impasses and incentivizing claimants' counsel using improved negotiation skills.
All's Well That Ends Well: Navigating Conflict Resolution

With so many disputes handled outside the courtroom, it's clear that ADR is where the real money is won and lost. Led by veteran adjusters, ADR neutrals, and seasoned defense counsel, this session will offer practical strategies for attendees on how to best prepare their cases for maximum return for both in-person and virtual ADR sessions.