2019 CLM Workers Compensation Conference - Schedule ­



May 23, 2019 8:00 AM ET

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Premier Session 2: Medical Devices that Fail

May 23, 2019 9:00 AM ET

Workers Compensation claimants with medical devices are generally pain pumps or spinal cord stimulators. Other devices might include orthopedic implants or devices to assist in the bathing or transfer/lift of those who are immobilized.
Modern medicine has given us countless devices to improve our quality of life. From internal implants to external braces and prostheses, these medical devices sometimes are necessary to conduct normal lives. However, these devices sometimes fail without warning.
When an implanted medical device fails, the solution often involves another painful and expensive surgical procedure. Other non-implanted medical devices, such as back and knee braces or artificial limbs, can also fail, resulting in further injury.

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May 23, 2019 10:15 AM ET

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Session 5 - Dealing with Legal Marijuana and Its Effect on the Workplace

May 23, 2019 10:45 AM ET

This panel will discuss the evolving statutory and case law guidance for employers in states where medical and/or recreational marijuana has been legalized. This will include issues relating to disability accommodation, hiring/firing, drug testing, workplace safety, and the defense of workers compensation claims based upon intoxication. Must medical use be accommodated? Can employment decisions be based on cardholder status or a positive test for legal use? Can a positive post-accident test be used to defend a workers compensation claim? These questions will be addressed based on currently available legal authority.

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Session 5 - Effectively Refuting Medicare Conditional Payments

May 23, 2019 10:45 AM ET

Recently the workers compensation payer community has been inundated with conditional payment notices and demands for a barrage of older claims, many for injuries dating back to the 70s and 80s. This comes on the heels of the implementation of Mandatory Insurer Reporting, which began back in 2011, but has only recently begun generating this level of activity. Larger self-insureds and carriers have received overall payment demands totaling in the millions. The panel will lead a discussion on this significant issue.

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Session 5 - Employment Nightmares — The Intersection of Workers Compensation, FMLA, and ADA

May 23, 2019 10:45 AM ET

Learn how small employment decisions can have big impacts on successful resolution of workers compensation claims. Top tips for the interaction of counsel, claims professionals, and the employers, including avoiding subsequent FMLA leave interference, disability discrimination, and retaliation claims, and strategies for separating high-risk claimants.

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