The Impact of Insurance Advertising on Jurors

A lizard, Flo, and mayhem cause a revolution.

A Reflection on Risk

How leaders in risk prevention view the world today and the growing risks of tomorrow.

Four Ways Virtual Presence Is Transforming the Claims Process

The internet of things (IoT) is paving the way for newer and more efficient tools for communication and collaboration.

It’s About Time

The reality of virtual accident reconstruction.

“What was the most significant event, verdict, trend, or disaster in 2016?”

Thomas F. Glassman of Bonezzi Switzer Polito & Hupp, and four others answer this month's question.

Kitchen Fire Claims: The Cost of Reliability

The impact and complexity of kitchen fires should motivate insurers to assemble experts and claims professionals for better outcomes.

The Art of Identifying Scams

Understanding the relationship between automated fraud detection and customer satisfaction.

A Systemic Approach to Building Component Roles and Failures

In the analysis of a component failure, its role in the long-term performance of the system must be considered.

Around the Nation: December 2016

State news and updates from CLM chapters, reps, and committees.

A Defining Moment

Moving toward an objective and reversible definition of insurance bad faith.

How to Protect Your Company From Charges of Bad Faith

If you believe that third-party bad faith is applicable only in a handful of jurisdictions, you are sadly mistaken.

A Fond Farewell

In the new year, the inaugural issue of CLM magazine marks the end of an era.

In the C-Suite: A Look Back at 2016

We celebrate the season by revisiting top claims leaders’ thoughts on why claims is all about helping people.

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