Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Representation Meets Participation

Spotlight on AAPI Heritage Month

How one firm spent May amplifying AAPI voices

The War on DEI

CLM 2024 Annual Conference session covers importance of DEI and how some are trying to eradicate it

Including Everyone; Excluding No One

The importance of enhancing and implementing DEI initiatives in the face of adversity

Reflecting the Talent You Want To Recruit

Building and achieving a diverse team and a better business

The Business Case for DEI

As construction lags behind in diversity, the conversation must shift

Allyship in the Workplace

CLM Members and Fellows describe the perfect work ally

From Outsider to Insider

Why do I share my journey of personal acceptance? Because it leads to positive change

Building Diversity in the Insurance Industry

What it takes to attract and retain talent

Extending the Ladder Down

Takeaways from the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee's recent webinar, “You Have Broken Through the Glass Ceiling…What’s Next? How Leadership Can Extend the Ladder Down"

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About The Community

Through education and action, CLM’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee advances the mission of inclusion, and identifies and supports practices that demonstrate leadership in common core values. The committee offers unique opportunities to help strengthen CLM’s partners and perspectives.

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