
Filling the Gaps on Pollution, Contamination, and Toxic Torts

EPA Announces Final Rule to Prohibit Use of Asbestos

Ban set to be first rule finalized under 2016 amendments to Toxic Substances Control Act

Reopening Pandora's Box

EPA moves forward with CERCLA designations of PFOA and PFOS

EPA Announces PFAS Regulation

Compliance applies to public water systems and state/local agencies

California Seeks to Restore Oil, Gas Extraction Bans

Bill seeks to make clear what role local governments can have in moving away from fossil fuels

The Blame Game: Climate Litigation Edition

How good are you at predicting climate verdicts?

Global Nat Cat Losses Top $100B for Fourth Consecutive Year

Gallagher Re report: 66 billion-dollar events in 2023

2023 Ends With Costly Storms Along Both Coasts

Insured, economic losses from year-end weather could reach into millions

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About The Community

CLM’s Environmental and Toxic Tort Committee focuses on existing and emerging issues in the environmental, pollution, and mass tort context. This encompasses long-tail claims as well as claims submitted on currently issued policies.

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