Ask the Expert: Modular Momentum

With modular construction gaining in popularity, a look at the associated risks

Shared Immunity

When workers’ compensation immunity can be shared with the general contractor and other subcontractors

As Wildfires Heat Up, Contractors’ Insurance Options Burning Out

Aon report highlights legal uncertainties and market realities for wildfire-exposed contractors

After the Collapse

Following the Surfside tragedy, uncertainty remains for high-rise litigation in Florida and beyond

A Wooden Roller Coaster

The fragile economics of lumber

COVID Construction—Boom to Bust

The pandemic’s impact on demand and potential long-term consequences

Puzzling Out the Laws

Anti-indemnity statutes and the impact on construction projects

One Step Forward in Texas

With passage of SB 219, a harsh standard of liability imposed on contractors is eased

Poking the Bear

Championing diversity, equity, and inclusion in construction

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