When the Rubber Meets the Road

Unintended acceleration claims against automakers often gain traction despite scientific findings in favor of the manufacturers.

Ready to Rumble

Two renowned attorneys from opposite sides of the courtroom talk about their big perspectives on big insurance lawsuits.

Wisconsin Tort Reform

New standards require a reconsideration of product liability subrogation and possibly a revamping of expert witness contracts.

Claims and the Cat Model

Recent events like the Japan earthquake have provided a wealth of information for catastrophe modeling as its importance for claims grows. We dive in deeper with EQECAT’s Bill Keogh.

Looking For Direction

Whipping winds can cause hail to pelt properties pell-mell.

Sage and Time

Use an elixir of on-staff and outsourced veterans to minimize the effects of aging.

Blown Apart

The Institute for Business and Home Safety has a facility that will blow you away, literally!

Squeaky Clean

Advances in science and technology result in the restoration of textiles and dreams.

Chief Concerns: Claims Executive Focus

CNA's George Fay, executive vice president, Worldwide P&C Claims, at CNA.

Secondary Payer Protection

Medicare as a secondary payer must be protected for all liability claims, in and outside workers' comp.

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