Pushing the Limits

Waivers of liability and claims in extreme obstacle course races.

Inside Risk: Carl Jones, Coring & Cutting Group

Risk management for a unique niche requires this pro to come up with creative, concrete strategies.

Are we gaining ground in educating the next generation of claims professionals?

Larry Goanos and three other insurance industry leaders respond to this month's question.

A Toxic Spill

Coverage issues for the Animas River contamination.

Summer Girls, Headscarves, and the Supreme Court

Employers must be ready to handle the intricacies of requests for religious accommodation.

Are Fraud Prevention Statutes Working?

Questionable claims have risen significantly as the insurance industry struggles to pinpoint real answers.

Working With Pride

The key to attracting new talent starts with advocating, not apologizing.

First-Class Graduates

Claims College pioneers are first-ever recipients of the Certified Claims Professional designation.

The Lasting Lessons of Hurricane Katrina

How this catastrophic event continues to enable the global insurance industry to become even better.

Getting to Know: Denise Anderson

The CLM Construction Committee’s conference subcommittee co-chair discusses her and fellow co-chair Jacqueline Stein’s work on CLM Atlanta.

Around the Nation: September 2015

State news and updates from CLM chapters, reps, and committees.

In Praise of Appraisal

Invoking alternatives to litigation in disputes over property catastrophe losses.

THC Presence Versus Impairment

With the increase in marijuana legalization, employers, insurers, and law enforcement are faced with a conundrum.

Understanding Watercraft

A guide to shipshape claims handling.

Getting Dirty

Mud, electricity, and even fire make the latest wave of race events something to be grappled with by both the courts and insurers.

In the C-Suite with Rick Long

Western National Insurance Group’s Senior Vice President, Claims, explains his wheels-up approach to work and life.

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