Does the increased use of the cloud concern you?

Butler Pappas' Carol Rooney is one of four CLM members who answered this month's question.

April 25, 2014 Photo

“Although data security is always cause for apprehension, legal compliance is my paramount concern. Data located in other jurisdictions may fall under different regulations, a particular concern for multinational cloud-storage providers. At a minimum, you must account for this issue in your enterprise risk management program.”

1. C. Michael Mattix, Chief Claims Officer and General Counsel, Armed Forces Insurance. CLM Fellow since 2009.

“For law firms, protecting a client’s proprietary and confidential information is mandatory and critical. The convenience of data storage cannot come at the expense of data security and a lawyer’s duty to prevent the disclosure of privileged information to third parties.”

2. Carol Rooney, Partner, Butler Pappas Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP. CLM Member since 2010.

“Many companies experience the pressure of endeavoring to keep up with technology. If they are not fully prepared to understand the cloud environment and conduct proper assessments, they are setting themselves up for a disaster. Key data could be manipulated or stolen, and that would be devastating to our industry.”

3. Patrick Cusack, Chief Claims Officer, ARI Insurance Company. CLM Fellow since 2008.

“As a litigator, I remain skeptical for law firms and their clients to rely on cloud-based systems until the risks of a breach in cybersecurity are reduced. It is not yet a proven commodity.”

4. A.J. Krouse, Partner, Frilot LLC. CLM Member since 2011.


152 Million

Number of Adobe consumer records compromised in September 2013. Source: Reuters


Percent of lawyers who believe data in the cloud can be safe and secure— 36% are unsure.

Source: LexisNexis


Percent of cloud-based projects that are eventually brought back in-house.

Source: IDG Enterprise


Rank of data breaches in study of top cloud-computing threats.

Source: Cloud Security Alliance


Percent of CEOs who say that their company experiences a cyberattack hourly or daily.

Source: Ponemon Institute

About The Authors
Bevrlee J. Lips

Bevrlee J. Lips was managing editor of Claims Management magazine (now CLM Magazine) from January 2012 until March 2017.

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