CLM Voices: Getting to Know Darrell Brown

Darrell Brown - Executive Vice President and Chief Claims Officer, Sedgwick

January 11, 2017 Photo

Brown’s 25 years of insurance industry experience comes in handy when working with his claims staff of 15,000. See what he has to say about communication challenges, finding success, and how there can never be too much travel.


“When I was in college at Cal State University, I initially focused on business. Ultimately, I switched to finance, which I’ve found is directly applicable to the claims world. I was and am attracted to finance because that expertise can be applied in multiple environments. Unlike accounting, finance has more general and broad-reaching applications.” 

“Like a business, it’s important to understand all the stakeholders in the claims process and make sure that everyone’s needs are being met.’” Brown, on how his finance degree helped him better understand claims.


Brown says three “C’s” define a successful claims career: curiosity, care, and challenge. He says curiosity means digging deeper to find new solutions and asking, “Why not?” When it comes to “care,” he says resolving claims is all about having empathy, compassion, and understanding. Lastly, Brown says the ability to challenge the system to make it better is crucial in claims.

“I’m very dedicated to Kids’ Chance of America, which helps to educate children of injured workers. I think it’s yet another way to give back to the industry.” Brown, on what’s important to him outside of work.

“I think the broader issues that claims leaders must focus on relate to communication across varied demographics. It’s incumbent on us to think of creative solutions without sacrificing the core elements of the claims process.” Brown, on the challenges the industry faces.


Even though Brown travels extensively for work, he loves to travel for leisure, too, especially internationally. His passion for experiencing new countries, foods, and cultures brought him to Madrid and Lisbon recently, where he said the Portuguese compelled him to work more on his Spanish.

“Being thoughtful and critical about how we can solve people’s problems is really at the core of our focus, and that’s what newer professionals are looking for today.”   Brown, on what he’d say to those considering a claims career.

About The Authors
Taylor Smith

Taylor Smith is president of Suite 200 Solutions.

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