Milliman’s most recent Pulse Survey on mental health benefits shows that, although more full-time and part-time employees and dependents are being offered mental health resources compared to last year’s survey, only 29% of employers are using leadership messaging to promote them, compared to 49% the previous year. Furthermore, 10% fewer respondents indicated that mental health offerings were either “very important” or “somewhat important” when it came to recruiting or retention, according to the survey.
Third-Party Vendors Drive Engagement
“Compared to last year’s survey results, leadership and management who were ‘very engaged’ with this support went down 16%,” according to the survey. “Additionally, results showed an increase in leadership not being engaged (up 9%).
The reason behind the change may be that third-party vendors have had an increased role in driving engagement. “Categories that we identify as alternatives to EAPs [employee assistance programs] saw modest increases in what is being offered over last year,” the survey states. Third-party solutions continue to grow in popularity, with an overall growth of 8% from last year’s survey. Onsite or near-site clinics also saw a 5% growth from last year’s survey.”
CLM Fellow Dr. Michael LaCroix, medical director, The Hartford, says the survey results suggest that “we’re going back to pre-pandemic behaviors. The fact is that employers are doing a great job overall in providing benefits, but employees are often way too busy to take it all in.
“We did a study a couple of years ago,” LaCroix continued. “Simply providing the EAP phone number to employees calling in to request a leave based on stress or depression led to significantly shorter disability durations for those who went on to file for disability. There is an awareness of the benefit package around sign-up time in October, but that awareness fades rapidly amidst the hubbub of life. Remind them, early and often.”
Mental Health Benefit Offerings Remain Consistent
The survey states, “Results on what is being offered remain consistent, with 10% fewer respondents indicating that they offer embedded behavioral health programs through their medical carrier. EAPs continue to be the most popular resource offered, with 95% of respondents currently offering them.”
However, according to the survey results, “in comparing the current offerings with the projections for 2025, there is an observed 10% decrease in the provision of EAPs for the year 2025. Nonetheless, it appears that employers have not yet taken significant steps to offer resources beyond just EAPs.” At the same time, though, categories that Milliman identified as alternatives to EAPs saw modest increases in what is being offered over the previous year.