Learning to Love Your Data

A five-step guide on implementing predictive analytics for claims management.

About The Authors
Multiple Contributors
C. Michael Mattix

C. Michael Mattix, JD, CPCU is general counsel and chief claims officer for Armed Forces Insurance. He has been a CLM Fellow since 2009 and can be reached at mattixopks@gmail.com

Nilanjan "Nicky" Mukerji

Nilanjan “Nicky” Mukerji is chief information officer of LbGlobalLaw. He has been a CLM Fellow since 2009 and can be reached at nicky.mukerji@lbgloballaw.com

Steven R. Henning

Steven R. Henning, MBA, CPCU, ARe, is vice president of Westport Insurance Corporation, a member of the Swiss Re Group. He has been a CLM Fellow since 2009 and can be reached at  steven_henning@swissre.com

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