Inside CLM – CLM Wants to Hear From You!

Share your unusual claims or cases with CLM Magazine

June 26, 2024 Photo

Share Your Stories: Most Unusual Claims and Cases

CLM Magazine wants to hear about your most interesting, outrageous, or creative claims and cases. Maybe the claim itself was unique, maybe the resolution of the case required some creative thinking, or maybe the resolution process was an experience you’ll never forget. Whatever the situation was, CLM Magazine wants to hear your story by taking this survey by July 8. Your experience may be featured in the July/August edition of CLM Magazine!


Wishing Our Membership a Happy Independence Day!

Please note that CLM will be closed on Thursday, July 4 and Friday, July 5 to celebrate the 4th of July holiday. We will be back to our regular programming on Monday, July 8.


Need Help Convincing Your Boss to Send You to Claims College?

Would you like to join CLM in Austin this September 4-7, to further your knowledge, earn a designation, and enjoy networking with the best and brightest colleagues? Not sure how to approach your manager to get clearance to attend? We’ve got you covered! CLM has prepared a “Claims College Justification Letter” template to use to get buy-in for Claims College attendance.

Claims College provides the tools for you to excel in your job today and prepare you for growth tomorrow. Upon successful completion of all levels of your school of choice, you will earn a Certified Claims Professional (CCP) designation; use it to set yourself apart from your peers and demonstrate your claims knowledge. Choose from the following schools: Casualty Claims, Construction, Cyber Claims, Professional Lines, Property Claims, Transportation, and Workers’ Compensation. Registration is open; for more information, click here.


There’s Still Time! But Not Much…

Have you submitted your session proposal for CLM’s Focus Conference & Holiday Party yet? If not, what are you waiting for? The conference will feature the following subject areas: alternative dispute resolution, extra-contractual, insurance coverage, insurance fraud, and, of course, claims and litigation management. Development of these presentations gives participating CLM members a chance to collaborate with other industry thought leaders.

CLM’s Focus Conference & Holiday Party is scheduled for December 4 in NYC. This is the perfect opportunity to sneak in one more professional speaking role before 2024 comes to a close.

This much-loved event includes our annual holiday party with the high level of networking that CLM is known for. So, if you’ve got a great idea and a compelling panel, let us know. We are accepting session proposals through Monday, July 1. For more information and the online submission form, click here.


Coming To a Laptop Near You – Work Comp Week: A Virtual Series

Starting Monday, July 29 through Thursday, August 1, CLM will be offering six workers’ compensation-focused webinars. Think of it as a way to get the latest trends and hot topics in workers’ compensation at no cost, in the comfort of your home or office.

Register for one or all six sessions; full details that include speakers, dates, and session times, as well as CE/CLE information can be found here.

Choose from these topics:

  • An Insider's Guide to Creating a Successful Construction Workers Comp Program
  • Hot Off the Press: Six Claims Handling Issues in Sixty Minutes
  • To Test or Not to Test: Does It Really Matter What Caused Workplace Impairment?
  • Utilizing Artificial Intelligence in Workers Compensation Claims
  • The Dream Team Approach to WC Case Management
  • Fair Play: Navigating Ethics and Bias in Workers Compensation

And register soon!


About The Authors
Fran Clark

Fran Clark is specialty content manager at CLM.

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