Preserving the Delicate Balance

Countering plaintiffs' bar's attempts to fracture the tripartite relationship

Exposing the Labor Law Epidemic

Rampant fraud and outdated statutes plague New York's construction industry

Inside CLM – Starting Work on 2025 Annual Conference in Dallas

We need your help to build future premier events—complete your AC24 survey

Vehicle Thefts Continue to Surge in 2023

NICB report shows hotspots nationwide

AI Class Action Lawsuit Knocks on California Court's Door

Plaintiffs allege insurer uses AI to instantly reject claims

The Zombie Ferreira Conference: Requirements Revived

New Jersey court rules on new defendants' rights to conference

CSU Issues Highest April-Outlook Hurricane Season Prediction

Researchers predict 11 hurricanes and 23 named storms in 2024

Setting a Path to Define Litigation Management

CLM CEO Ronna Ruppelt discusses new Litigation Management Task Force

The Roundabout

Transportation experts share how to effectively navigate from accident to resolution

Walking the AI Tightrope

Avoiding professional liability pitfalls while leveraging the many benefits of artificial intelligence in health care

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