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Housing Affordability vs. Construction Industry Concerns

Competing bills highlight contentious state of affairs

Section 230 Under Fire Once Again

New legislation proposes sunset during the final week of 2025

AI: Environmental Friend or Foe?

Exploring the potential adverse impacts new technologies can have on the environment

It Pays to Be Sick

Connecticut broadens its paid sick leave law

No Duty Owed to Patrons When Shoplifters Steal

Florida decision finds employees' actions did not escalate situation

When Does a Pre-Suit Demand Letter Constitute a Claim?

New York decision emphasizes importance of understanding policy terms and timelines

Enhancing Reliability

Amended Michigan rule of evidence and its impact on expert witness testimony

California Insureds Seeking Brandt Fees Waive Attorney-Client Privilege

Decision leaves open whether party suing can restore attorney-client privilege by retracting claim for Brandt fees

You Are Not Hallucinating

Risks and problems associated with generative AI for lawyers

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