William T. Salzer, Swartz Campbell LLC., and three others answer this month's question.
The rapidly increasing use of personal assistants and smart products provides opportunities in claims and litigation.
How to evaluate the risks versus the rewards.
Paving the way for autonomous vehicle claims.
Giving back at CLM’s biggest event.
Laying the foundation to minimize the risk of breach.
It pays to get creative when it comes to obtaining settlement resolutions. CLM’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee offered up some ideas on how to do so in a recent webinar.
How counsel and experts can work together to detect slip and fall claims fraud.
Rusty Goudelock - Attorney and Founding Member, MGC Insurance Defense/McAngus Goudelock & Courie LLC.
News and verdicts from around the nation.
Developing and testing an effective cyber incident response plan.
Managing the growing risk of attacks on real estate transactions.
Clinical experts weigh in on what’s next for pain management.
Winding down from the excitement of this year's Annual Conference in Nashville.