Interview: What Makes You Tick?

Claims Adjusters have one of the most interesting and demanding jobs in the insurance industry. Here you get to tell us about the job and how you make it part of your life.

Workers' Compensation Medical Bill Compliance

There is a silver lining in federal healthcare administrative simplification.

Whose Line Is It?

Learn to determine when a claim is a general liability claim or a professional liability claim.

Trust...But Verify

Build confidence with claimants through a transparent process of validation.

More Buck For The Bang

Brain trauma could be the asbestos of professional sports.

Adjusting Wind Turbine Losses

The field is developing fast, which makes valuing losses and finding replacement parts difficult in some situations.

The Power Of The Pen

One wrong word can mean the difference between effective claim resolution and litigation.

The Flap Over Scrap: Theft and Vandalism in Exterior Sculptures

The rise in the value of metal prices is accelerating loss trends for public sculptures.

Searching Social Networking Sites

Investigators can use information gleaned from social media, but the Bar and the law have strict rules about it.

Hoarding: An Investigative and Insurance Policy Challenge

A water loss in a house affected by hoarding can be a major challenge to adjusters.

Chief Concerns: Claims Executive Focus

George Neale, EVP, Commercial Market General Manager, Claims for Liberty Mutual

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