Social Media: What You’re Doing Wrong and How to Fix It

The question is not how to adapt, but rather how to thrive and utilize social media technology.

No Indulging

I recently asked CLM Fellows what books they would recommended to their peers. One book appeared on several lists: “Steve Jobs” by Walter Isaacson.

Who’s at Fault When It’s Party Time?

Party hosts who serve alcohol need to be aware that they potentially could be held liable should a guest have an accident on the way home from their soirée.

Between the Lines: October 2012

Albert Luther, vice president of claim audit & litigation management at CNA, is one of four CLM Fellows who answered the question, "How is your company using social media?"

Inside Risk: Randy Jouben, Five Guys Enterprises

Five Guys Risk Manager Randy Jouben, a CLM Fellow since 2010, discusses his role in the fast-growing chain, his biggest success, and the “Five Guys Way.”

Around the Nation: October 2012

News and Updates from CLM State Chairs, Reps, and Committees.

Solving the Mystery

Clues for helping adjusters navigate the licensing process.

Post-Catastrophe Salvage Solutions

Best practices for reducing property and auto claims costs.

Expert Witness Selection Advice

Four steps for effectively selecting and managing forensic partners.

Adjuster Licensing and CLM Tracker

We check in with Arrowpoint Capital's Tina Zink Pernie to see how things are going with their implementation of CLM Tracker, a service that stores, manages, and tracks adjuster licenses and continuing education requirements for CLM fellows.

A New Day for Event Data Recorders

How a new federal rule affects EDR’s future.

For the Times, They Are a Changin’

Here are some traditional areas in the course of litigation that stand to be reinvented as technology begins to change the way lawyers, and the court system as a whole, function.

From the C-Suite: Tony Smarrelli

Infinity Insurance Company’s Senior Vice President of Claims speaks about the importance of listening, the influence of predictive analytics, and why claims professionals should take ownership of their own careers.

Telematics Set the Stage for Improved Auto Claims Management

While the adoption of telematics presents underwriters with some dream statistics to slice, dice, and crunch for their pricing decisions, claims managers can leverage the same technology to improve their outcomes.

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