Intangibles of Case Evaluation, Part Three: Witness Credibility

When evaluating a claim, here are the things you need to look at to determine the impact of a witness and their credibility.

Alternative Dispute Resolution for Claims: Lessons from Three Storms

Crawford & Company analyzed its ADR activities and outcomes focusing specifically on disputes arising from the damage caused by three successive weather-related events in a single year—Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma. Here are our key lessons gleaned from it.

Preparing for First Notice of Loss

Establishing an action plan for commercial vehicle accidents.

Auto Accident Avoidance Technologies

Why features like auto-braking and driver monitoring don’t always translate to reduced claims.

Leading by Example

In a partnership with several universities, CLM is launching a paid, eight-week internship program this summer for 20-25 college students. It’s a small but significant step forward to professionalizing our industry.

Between the Lines: March 2013

Maria Abate, attorney with Colodny, Fass, Talenfeld, Karlinsky, Abate & Webb, is one of four who answers, "What is the most unusual fraud story you’ve experienced?"

Inside Risk: Terry Sampson, Director of Risk Management, Art Institute of Chicago

The Art Institute of Chicago's Terry Sampson is dedicated to building an insurance program to address many unique exposures. Find out how he does it.

Around the Nation: March 2013

News from CLM committees, members, and state chairs.

Risk Spreading Management

New strategies for handling CGL claims are gaining traction in the industry.

Practical Approaches for Recouping Good Faith Payments

What happens when an insurer makes good faith payments on legitimate elements of an insurance claim but subsequently uncovers fraud in other elements of the claim?

A Portrait of Fraud

Are claims investigators and SIUs ignoring the graying of America?

What Can We Expect from Medicare Set Asides in 2013?

What does the SMART Act say about Medicare Set Asides? What, if anything, has changed in MSA practice for 2013, and to what do we have to look forward?

Do Public Adjusters Get a Bad Rap in the Claims Management Process?

Maybe it’s time for a truce—for insurers and public adjusters to consider ways to normalize relations between what have traditionally been warring parties.

How to Handle a Hoarder

Claims involving hoarding present a landfill of coverage and damage issues.

In the C-Suite: Patrick Cusack

ARI Insurance Company’s Senior Vice President and Chief Claims Officer discusses how to retain talent, the dangers of a “know-it-all” mindset, and his pet peeves about the industry.

May the Work Force Be With You

The insurance industry gains confidence in a warming labor market.

An Alamo to Remember

In April, 1,300 CLM members and fellows will gather in San Antonio, Texas, to participate in 75 collaborative educational sessions and keynote presentations. Annual Conference Chair Anne Blume ives us a preview.

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