Controlling e-Discovery Costs Defensibly
e-Discovery costs continue to rise and to increase the cost of litigation. Effective claim handling in professional lines requires claims handlers to understand the e-Discovery process and understand their role in controlling those costs.
Back to topEthical Claim Handling and Avoiding Claims of Bad Faith
- Speakers:
Kevin Fisher, Allied World Assurance Company, Ltd.
Ron Goldstein, Aon
Kathryn Whitlock, McAngus Goudelock & Courie, LLC (MGC)
Independent Counsel: Knowing When and How to Work with Them
There are many different situations which the Insured is entitled to Independent Counsel. Knowing what Independent Counsel is – and is not – and what conflicts of interest give rise to Independent Counsel is crucial to the foundation of a strong professional liability claim professional. Building on that foundation is the importance of knowing how to work with Independent Counsel, and what you can and cannot do while providing a defense to the Insured.
SHARED COURSE - Navigating Relationships for Success
The students will be presented with a claim scenario and will be assigned to roles in which they will ask questions of the claims examiner who will be required to respond, make recommendations and identify strategies for navigating these relationships keeping in mind the goal of claim resolution and career success.
Back to topSHARED COURSE - Presentation Skills for Claims Professionals
- Speakers:
Vic Marmo, Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation
Rondiene Novitz, Cruser, Mitchell, Novitz, Sanchez, Gaston & Zimet LLP
This course will explore the basics of effective presentations: knowing what you want to create (think “Zen”), delivering value to the audience, focusing on authenticity (rather than form!), the search for a fresh approach and presentation tools (podiums, PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.)
Back to topSHARED COURSE - Principles of Management
This course is designed to be an overview of the major functions of management. Emphasis is on planning, organizing, controlling, directing, and communicating. Upon completion, students should be able to work as contributing members of a team utilizing these functions of management.
Back to topSchool of Professional Lines - Level 1 Learning Objectives