2018 CLM and Business Insurance Retail, Restaurant and Hospitality Conference - Schedule ­



February 09, 2018 8:00 AM ET

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Premier Session 2: Technologies Continuing Impact in the Retail, Restaurant and Hospitality Industries

February 09, 2018 9:00 AM ET

When did we decide that having a high spec HD television in our hotel room was no longer sufficient for our needs? Is it now essential that I.T. allows guests to also control the heating in the room, message the hotel staff and open the curtains?

With every new app, autonomous vehicle, drone, keyless entry or connected device, we shift the goal posts for the-art-of-the-possible and, in turn, we raise customer expectations and elevate company risk(s). Technology for consumers means an easy life and our appetite for this lifestyle is insatiable.
Join us as we discuss how technology is not an option with leaders in the Retail, Restaurant and Hospitality sectors.

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February 09, 2018 10:00 AM ET

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Session 5 - Dangerous Curves: Navigating New Employment Law Issues

February 09, 2018 10:20 AM ET

Restaurants have long been a hotbed for EPL claims. Recently, however, a new wave of EPL issues have arisen including ADA demand letters, the changing definition of "retaliation," workplace bullying, overtime rules, wage and hour changes, and updates to healthcare/ACA. This panel will review legal trends in employment issues and discuss current claim trends as well as new coverages available in the hospitality sector.

-Employment Practices Litigation is on the rise- all industries are affected. Timely education for management and employees can help risk managers better mitigate severe settlements and judgments.
-Understanding current case law and pending court decisions will help insurance professionals, claims adjusters and attorneys working in defense of these claims understand the environment in which these claims are being brought.
-Sexual Harassment, Equal Pay/Gender Claims, Wage & Hour are the hot topics right now, along with other topics which are giving rise to state judicial activism.  This will prove interesting in the coming year, as the White House Administration and other Federal Government entities weigh in on these issues.


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Session 5 - Inhospitable: An Overview of Today’s “Cyber Risk” Landscape

February 09, 2018 10:20 AM ET

This session will provide a present-moment snapshot of the retail, restaurant and hospitality industry’s rapidly-evolving data-breach threat landscape. The conversation will explore various industry-specific breach trends and timeline/discovery trends impacting today’s hotels, restaurants, and retailers. Particular attention will be given to the “POS epidemic” facing hotels and restaurants, a dominant theme in 2017, including an explanation of the leading POS breach methods such as RAM scraping, C2, and backdoor.

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Session 5 - Strategies for a Successful Mediation

February 09, 2018 10:20 AM ET

Employing the right tools during mediation can support effective case resolution within the target settlement range. Using psychology, negotiation strategies, and case strengths, the presenters will explore the impact on settlement negotiations during mediation.

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